Google Analytics Removes 4 Models, Adds Custom Metrics.

Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics Removes 4 Models, Adds Custom Metrics.

Google Analytics has dropped four attribution models and added custom metrics combinations.

  • Google analytic removing 4 attributions in October 2023.
  • The new calculated metrics feature will allow custom combinations of metics.
  • Users should audit reports and test new models now to prepare.

Google will soon announce updates to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) properties.

Starting in mid-October 2023, certain attribution models will be removed from the platform.

Meanwhile, Google has launched a new “Calculate Metrics” feature that allows you to create custom metrics that suit your business needs.

First-click, linear, time decay, and location-based attribution models will be phased out next month for all GA4 properties, according to a statement from Google.

Default attribution for all accounts currently using these models will be switched to paid and organic data-driven models. Other models such as Last Click are still available.

The elimination of the rules-based attribution model marks Google Analytics’ shift toward automated, AI-driven attribution.

Implications Of Removing Rule-Based Attribution.

The removal of four attribution models could impact marketers who optimize their campaigns and strategies around these models.

This may prompt Google Analytics users to switch to Google’s AI-driven attribution model. This reliance on Google’s proprietary system can make it harder to understand how attribution works.

To compensate for this change, Google Analytics introduced calculated metrics, which are a way for users to combine standard or custom metrics using mathematical formulas.

For example, Google says the “item profit” calculation metric subtracts “cost of goods sold” from “item price.”

“You can customize any metric to fit your business needs or logic,” Google’s statement explains. Calculated metrics allow you to weigh, discount, and combine other metrics.

Utilizing Calculated Metrics.

According to Google, calculated metrics allow users to incorporate basic business logic into the metrics, allowing for straightforward decision-making.

Users with administrative access can create up to 5 calculated metrics per standard property, or 50 calculated metrics for Analytics 360 properties.

New capabilities will be available for reporting, exploration, and analytics APIs.

While calculated indicators offer more customization options, there are also potential drawbacks.

Allowing users to create complex calculated metrics can lead to confusion or inconsistency among teams and reporting.

Proper governance ensures that calculated metrics are well-documented and well-structured. Users may need training on how to create indicators that provide real value rather than overly complex formulas.

Preparing For The Changes.

To avoid these changes, Google recommends reviewing your existing attribution settings. Any reports or strategies based on these four removed models must be converted to alternative attribution methods.

It is recommended to test different attribution models in advance. Marketers should develop a plan for how calculated metrics will be created, managed, and used within the organization.

Google provides advance notice of these changes, giving analytics teams time to prepare. However, adjusting workflows and strategies to fit Google’s evolving platform will remain an ongoing balancing act.

Looking to the future

These changes reflect Google Analytics’ continued evolution as it adapts to a post-cookie world.

While eliminating rules-based attribution, individually calculated metrics provide greater flexibility to tailor metrics to specific business use cases.

Here’s a timeline and our coverage of recent core updates:

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