Why Is Lakshadweep Known As A Coral Island?

Coral Island

Why Is Lakshadweep Known As A Coral Island?

The Lakshadweep Islands are a beautiful tropical archipelago located off the southwestern coast of India in the Arabian Sea. Lakshadweep translates to “one hundred thousand islands” in Sanskrit. The islands cover approximately 32 square kilometers and have a total population of around 60,000 people. 

Though there are 36 islands in total, only 10 of them are inhabited. The capital is Kavaratti and the administrative headquarters is located at Kadmat. The islands have a predominantly Muslim population whose culture, traditions, and language are deeply influenced by centuries of Arab traders who frequented the islands. The word Lakshadweep itself reflects the islands’ historic connection with Arabia. 

The islands feature pristine beaches, spectacular lagoons, and rich coral reefs teeming with marine life. Tourism is a major industry here though only a limited number of permits are issued to visitors to protect the fragile ecosystem. The remoteness and natural beauty of the islands make it an ideal tropical getaway. Most economic activity revolves around fishing and coconut cultivation.

how to reach Lakshadweep

Coral Reefs

Lakshadweep is home to some of the most spectacular coral reefs in India. The islands are surrounded by over 4,000 km2 of reef area, containing over 60 genera of coral and 400 species of fish. This high diversity is due to Lakshadweep’s optimal location in the Arabian Sea, where conditions like water temperature, salinity, and clarity allow corals to thrive. 

The reefs surrounding Lakshadweep are unique in that they are atolls – ring-shaped coral formations that enclose lagoons. These atolls have developed around seamounts or extinct volcanoes that became submerged over time. As corals grew on the submerged volcanoes, their skeletons accumulated to form circular or oval-shaped reefs. Inside the atoll lies the stunning turquoise lagoon, protected from the open ocean by the coral barrier.

Lakshadweep’s reefs are regarded as some of the healthiest in the Indian Ocean region. They exhibit high levels of coral cover and diversity of species. Branching corals like staghorn coral and table corals dominate the shallow reef flats, while massive boulder corals are found on outer reef slopes. The richness of coral species sustains entire ecosystems, providing habitat for countless species of reef fish, sea turtles, rays, sharks, and marine invertebrates.

How Coral Islands Form 

Coral islands like Lakshadweep form over thousands of years from the continuous growth of coral reefs. The process begins when coral larvae attach themselves to the sea floor and begin to grow. 

Corals are marine invertebrates that live in colonies of individual polyps. The polyps have a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae algae that live within their tissues. Through photosynthesis, the algae produce nutrients that the coral polyps use to grow their calcium carbonate skeletons.

As generations of coral polyps grow, die, and are replaced, the coral skeletons accumulate to form large reef structures. Over time, the coral reefs grow upwards towards the sea surface. Meanwhile, waves, tides, and currents cause broken coral fragments to accumulate. As this coral debris piles up, it eventually forms islands above the surface of the water.

The continuous growth of the living coral reefs and accumulation of dead coral keep pushing the island higher above sea level. Additional sediment and sand settle around the coral structure, adding to the land mass. In this way, the slow but steady growth of corals over thousands of years leads to the formation of habitable coral islands like Lakshadweep.

Ideal Conditions

Lakshadweep’s location in the Arabian Sea provides ideal conditions for coral growth and the formation of coral islands. The archipelago sits in tropical waters near the equator where water temperatures average between 25-28°C year-round. Warm ocean water is critical for coral polyps to thrive and build their calcium carbonate skeletons through a process called calcification. Corals contain algae called zooxanthellae that provide the polyps with food through photosynthesis. The zooxanthellae need warm, clear, shallow water to receive sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis.

Lakshadweep’s waters are low in nutrients and sediments which allows sunlight to penetrate deep in the water column. The islands are isolated from river outflows on the Indian subcontinent that could bring nutrient pollution and sediments that would reduce water clarity. The archipelago’s location away from land also protects from extreme weather events like cyclones that could damage the fragile coral ecosystems. These pristine conditions allow corals to grow and form the atolls and reefs that build up over thousands of years to create the stunning coral islands of Lakshadweep.

Marine Ecosystem 

Lakshadweep’s marine environment boasts an incredibly diverse and abundant array of marine life thanks to the thriving coral reefs surrounding the islands. More than 4,000 species of fish, over 200 species of coral, and countless other marine organisms inhabit Lakshadweep’s crystal-clear lagoons and open ocean waters. 

The coral reefs provide food, shelter, and breeding grounds for numerous fish species including groupers, snappers, butterflyfish, angelfish, wrasses, and parrotfish. Endangered and threatened marine species found here include sea turtles, dolphins, sharks, giant clams, and Napolean wrasse. Lakshadweep is also a key nesting and foraging site for sea turtles. 

Other marine life supported by the coral reefs include sponges, sea cucumbers, urchins, sea stars, crustaceans like lobsters and crabs, and many types of shellfish. The reefs are also populated by thousands of smaller organisms like plankton that form the foundation of the food chain. This rich biodiversity makes Lakshadweep one of the most ecologically significant marine environments in the Indian subcontinent. Protecting the fragile coral reefs is vital for conserving this vibrant underwater world.


Lakshadweep’s beautiful coral reefs face significant threats due to climate change and human activity. Rising ocean temperatures lead to coral bleaching, which can kill reefs. Sea level rise also endangers low-lying coral islands like those of Lakshadweep. As oceans become more acidic from absorbing excess CO2, reef growth is hindered. 

Overfishing of key species can disrupt the delicate balance of the marine ecosystem. Pollution from sewage, agriculture, and industry also degrades water quality. tourism and development add pressures if not managed sustainably. Anchoring, snorkeling, and scuba diving can damage fragile corals if proper precautions aren’t taken.

Safeguarding Lakshadweep’s reefs will require reducing carbon emissions, improving fisheries management, implementing waste treatment, enforcing environmental regulations, educating visitors, and expanding marine protected areas. Local communities who rely on reefs for their livelihoods and culture have a strong incentive to be stewards of this incredible natural wonder. With proactive efforts, Lakshadweep’s corals can continue thriving for generations to come.

Conservation Efforts

The Lakshadweep islands are home to some of the most pristine and biodiverse coral reefs in the world. However, these fragile ecosystems face escalating threats from climate change, overfishing, pollution, and unregulated tourism practices. Realizing the need to protect these national treasures, the local administration and communities have taken proactive steps.

In 2005, the Lakshadweep Department of Environment and Forests instituted a region-wide ban on the collection and trade of corals, shells, and some fish species. Strict monitoring helps enforce the ban and prevent poaching. The Lakshadweep Coast Guard patrols the waters and keeps a vigilant watch against illegal fishing vessels. 

Local communities are also deeply involved in conservation initiatives. The Lakshadweep Marine Research and Conservation Centre engages youth groups in beach cleanups, mangrove planting, and educational activities. Citizen scientists help monitor the health of coral habitats. Traditional ecological knowledge guides sustainable fishing practices.

Moving forward, the goal is to balance economic development with environmental protection. Ecotourism can generate revenues while teaching visitors about the islands’ unique biodiversity. Stricter regulation of tourist activities like snorkeling and diving is needed to prevent coral damage. Lakshadweep’s precious natural heritage must be safeguarded for future generations through ongoing community stewardship.


Lakshadweep is quickly becoming a popular tourist destination for its unspoiled natural beauty and thriving coral reefs. However, tourism must be carefully managed to prevent damage to the fragile marine environment. 

Sustainable tourism practices aim to allow visitors to experience the stunning coral reefs and marine life while minimizing their impact. Glass-bottomed boats offer a window into the underwater world without the need for snorkeling or scuba gear. Guided kayak and stand-up paddleboard tours glide over shallow reefs. Onshore accommodations use eco-friendly designs like solar power and rainwater harvesting.

Strict regulations protect sensitive habitats from anchors, pollution, and overfishing. National parks conserve pristine areas. No-take zones allow depleted fish stocks to recover. Visitor fees support conservation programs.

While tourism provides needed income, the local community remains stewards of the reefs their livelihoods depend on. With mindful travel, we can appreciate the splendor of Lakshadweep’s coral islands while safeguarding them for future generations.

Culture, Traditions, and Livelihoods 

The coral reefs of Lakshadweep have a huge influence on the local culture and traditions. Fishing and coconut cultivation have been the main livelihoods and economic activities for centuries.

The local people have a deep connection with the sea and reefs. Children learn to swim, dive and fish from a very young age. Fishing, sailing, and navigating are taught through generations. The coral reefs provide food security for the islanders, who rely heavily on seafood like tuna, shark and reef fish.

Local women are known for their exquisite mat-weaving skills using coconut leaves and fibers. The geometric patterns reflect the marine influence. Coconut palm is integral to local traditions – from food to rituals. It’s called the ‘tree of life’.

There are rich oral traditions of songs and myths linked to the sea. Marine motifs like shells and corals are used in traditional jewelry and clothing. Conservation of the fragile coral ecosystem is part of the islanders’ ethos and way of life. They follow sustainable practices to preserve the reefs.

Eco-tourism allows visitors to experience the reefs while supporting local livelihoods. The coral gardens act as natural breakwaters, protecting the islands from waves and erosion. Lakshadweep’s identity and economy depends on the health of its coral reefs.


Lakshadweep is known as a coral island and this unique ecosystem is worth preserving. Lakshadweep’s coral reefs and lagoons formed over thousands of years from the growth and accumulation of coral skeletons and sand. The ideal conditions of sunlight, water temperature and clarity, steady currents, and nutrient availability allowed the coral reefs to thrive. 

These coral reefs support an incredibly diverse marine ecosystem full of fish, turtles, dolphins and sharks. The local ecology and human livelihoods depend on the health of Lakshadweep’s reefs. However, threats from climate change, pollutants, overfishing, and tourism are impacting the reefs. Conservation efforts to protect the reefs through education, sustainable tourism, fishing practices, and reducing local pollution are critical.

In summary, Lakshadweep’s coral reefs make it a one-of-a-kind destination. Preserving these reefs will allow future generations to enjoy the island’s natural beauty, ecology, and cultural heritage. With care and stewardship, Lakshadweep’s reefs can continue to support marine biodiversity and local communities for years to come.

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