Boost Sales With These 10 Seo Tips For E-Commerce Sites


Boost Sales With These 10 Seo Tips For E-Commerce Sites

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). Seo helps businesses rank higher on Google with relevant keywords.  For e-commerce sites, SEO is especially critical for business success and revenue growth. 

This guide will provide an overview of key SEO strategies and best practices specifically for e-commerce websites. We’ll cover both on-page and off-page optimization techniques to boost rankings and traffic. Proper SEO implementation requires an ongoing commitment, but the payoff for e-commerce sites can be substantial. Higher organic visibility leads to increased site traffic and conversions.

Specifically, we’ll discuss essential SEO factors like keyword research, site architecture, page speed, link building, local SEO, analytics, and more. Optimizing these elements improves an e-commerce site’s ability to rank for valuable search queries and be discovered by searchers. The strategies outlined should serve as a blueprint for technical and content-focused SEO activities.

Keyword Research 

Keyword research is the foundation of any good SEO strategy. By researching and selecting the keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for, you can ensure your e-commerce site is optimized to attract qualified traffic that converts into customers.

The first step is identifying a list of potential keywords. Think about the products and services you offer and the keywords shoppers are likely using to find them. You can gather keyword ideas from:

– Your existing website content and metadata 

– Competitor websites

– Google’s keyword planner and autocomplete 

– Amazon’s search bar and best sellers

– Online forums, social media, and conversations with customers

Once you have a sizable list, you need to analyze and refine it. Look at search volume data to determine popularity and competition levels for each keyword using tools like Google Trends, SEMrush, or Ahrefs. Remove any low-volume keywords that won’t drive sufficient traffic. 

Then organize your keywords into themes or categories that make sense for your site architecture. For example, you may group keywords by product type, brand, or other logical groupings. 

The final step is mapping keywords to relevant pages on your site. Make sure each page targets 1-2 primary keywords, and sprinkle in secondary long tail variations for diversity. Outline which pages target each keyword and update on-page content to reflect the terms and semantics.

Proper keyword research takes time but lays the foundation for an effective e-commerce SEO strategy tailored to your business and audience. Continually refine your keywords over time as you analyze performance and shifts in search behavior and trends.

On-page Optimization

On-page optimization refers to optimizations made directly on a web page to improve its SEO and make it more findable by search engines. Some key on-page optimizations for e-commerce sites include:

Title Tags

The title tag is the main text that shows up in search engine results pages (SERPs) as the clickable headline for a given result. Title tags should be descriptive and include relevant keywords while being enticing and concise. A good title tag formula for e-commerce is:

{Keyword} | {Brand Name}

For example:

Blue Denim Jeans | 

Title tags should be 60-70 characters max to fully display in SERPs.

Meta Descriptions 

The meta description is the preview text shown under a title tag in SERPs. This summarizes the page content and aims to entice users to click. Meta descriptions should be 150-160 characters long and include relevant keywords. Don’t keyword stuff, but do aim to provide an accurate overview of the page.


The content itself is vital for SEO, as this is what search engines analyze to determine relevance for queries. Use keywords appropriately within natural-sounding content. Break up text with subheadings (H2, H3 tags) to improve readability. Include useful, engaging information for site visitors, not just keyword repetition. Images and videos can also help. 


Proper heading tags (H1, H2, H3) create an outline for your content that helps search engines understand the structure. Use your target keyword in the H1, and structure subheadings starting with H2 tags. Don’t skip heading levels.

Image Alt Text

The alt text that describes an image should include relevant keywords where appropriate. Avoid over-optimization. Focus on accurately describing the image content.

Following on-page best practices helps search engines properly crawl, index, and rank e-commerce site pages for relevant search queries. This establishes a solid SEO foundation.

Site Architecture

Site architecture refers to the overall structure and organization of a website. Proper site architecture is crucial for both user experience and SEO. Here’s how to optimize your e-commerce site’s architecture:


Your site should be logically structured around categories and products. Make use of clear, descriptive headings and subheadings to create a hierarchy. Headings should follow a natural order and get more specific as you go. For example:



4K TVs

Smart TVs

Curved TVs

Sections and pages should focus on a specific topic and keyword. Don’t cram too much into one page.


The navigation menu should allow users to easily browse and find pages. Keep main nav categories broad, with dropdowns for specific pages. Include a search on every page. Breadcrumbs can aid navigation on deep pages.

Internal Linking

Link relevant pages together using text links. This helps users navigate and signals to search engines which pages cover related topics. For example, link product category pages to relevant product pages.


URLs should be short, descriptive, and keyword-rich. For example: 


is better than:


Dynamic URLs like the latter are harder for users and search engines to decipher.

Proper site architecture and navigation make it easy for users and search engines to crawl, index, and understand your site. Ensure your site is structured logically around your products and categories.

Page Speed

Page speed is crucial for SEO on e-commerce sites. Studies show that even minor delays in page load time can cause significant drops in conversion rates. For every 1-second delay in load time, conversion rates drop by 7%. After 3 seconds, most visitors will abandon the site if it hasn’t loaded.

With page speed being such an important ranking factor and driver of conversions, e-commerce sites must optimize load times. Some key optimizations include:

Enable compression – Compress files like CSS, Javascript, and images. This reduces file sizes and speeds up load times.

Minify code – Remove whitespace and comments to minify HTML, CSS, and JS files. This further reduces file size.

Optimize images – Compress image file sizes and serve properly sized images. Don’t serve large images to mobile devices.  

Limit HTTP requests – Reduce the number of files needing to be loaded by combining files and using image sprites.

Enable caching – Store assets in the browser cache so repeat visits don’t need to reload all assets.

Upgrade to HTTP/2 – This protocol speeds up asset loading and request handling.

Use a CDN – Distribute assets globally on a content delivery network to reduce latency. 

– Defer non-critical JS – Only load JavaScript that’s essential for above-the-fold content first.

Lazy load – Delay loading of non-essential assets until needed.

Optimize web fonts – Only load web font files needed for a page, and utilize font loading events.

Avoid redirects – Redirects introduce additional round trips and delays.

Enable server compression – Use gzip/deflate to compress files sent over the network.

By continuously monitoring and optimizing page speeds, e-commerce sites can provide users with a fast, seamless browsing experience while also boosting their SEO rankings.

Mobile Optimization

More and more people are using their mobile devices to shop online. In fact, over 50% of e-commerce traffic now comes from smartphones and tablets. This makes having a mobile-friendly site crucial for e-commerce success. There are a few key things you need to do to optimize your e-commerce site for mobile:


Your site needs to be fully responsive so it adapts seamlessly to any screen size. This provides a smooth, user-friendly experience for mobile shoppers. Using responsive web design is the best approach. Avoid creating a separate mobile site or forcing mobile users to pinch and zoom. 

Mobile Layouts

Carefully consider your mobile layouts. The navigation, product pages, checkout process, and all key pages should be optimized for smaller screens. Use large tap targets, minimize typing, and keep things simple. Avoid clutter and make the most important elements prominent. 

Accelerated Mobile Pages

Leverage accelerated mobile pages (AMP) to significantly speed up page load times on mobile. Create AMP versions of key product and category pages. This streamlines page performance by stripping out non-essential elements. Google also gives preferential treatment to AMP pages in mobile search results.

With these mobile optimizations in place, you’ll provide a much better experience for smartphone and tablet users. This will increase conversions and sales from mobile shoppers. Mobile optimization is essential for any modern e-commerce site’s SEO strategy.

Link Building

Link building is one of the most important aspects of SEO for e-commerce websites. The quantity and quality of links pointing to your site from external sources are major ranking factors for search engines like Google. There are several strategies e-commerce sites can use to build high-quality backlinks:

Guest Blogging

Guest posting on popular blogs in your industry is a great way to earn backlinks and drive referral traffic. Identify reputable blogs that accept guest contributions and pitch well-written, value-adding articles relevant to their audience. Include a natural link back to your site within the article content. Over time, earning guest author bylines on authority sites demonstrates your expertise.

 Outreach and Partnerships  

Proactively reach out to other companies and websites to explore co-marketing opportunities. For example, suggest writing a joint press release or guest article that links back to both sites. Partner with influencers and brand ambassadors who can organically mention your products. Build relationships with non-competing e-commerce sites to exchange links through banners or resource pages.

Social Engagement 

Leverage social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to connect with industry influencers, journalists, brands, and potential partners. Share their content, answer questions, and provide value to organically earn backlinks when they naturally reference your expertise. Maintain an active social presence with high-quality content.

PR and Media Mentions

Earn press mentions and links through new product announcements, contributed articles, and interviews with media outlets. Distribute press releases through PR distribution services. Build relationships with business journalists who cover your industry. Make it easy for them to learn about company news and link to your site within articles.

Local Link Building 

For e-commerce brands with a physical presence, focus on local link building. Get listed on directories like Yelp, add your business to industry association directories, and sponsor local events. Having a Google My Business listing with good reviews also brings local SEO value.

The key is using white hat link-building strategies that add value for others while organically introducing your brand and products. By providing unique insights, targeting relevant websites, and building relationships, e-commerce sites can earn high-quality backlinks at scale.

Local SEO

Local SEO is a critical component of an e-commerce SEO strategy. With more and more people searching for local businesses on Google, having a local SEO strategy can help you attract nearby customers searching for products and services. 

Here are some tips for optimizing your e-commerce site for local SEO:

Optimize for Local Keywords

Research keywords that include local terms like city names, zip codes, etc. 

Update page titles, headers, and content to include local keywords.

Create location or region-specific landing pages that target local keywords.

Complete Your Google My Business Listing

Create a Google My Business listing and fill out all the details like business name, address, phone number, opening hours, etc.

Upload high-quality photos that showcase your storefront, products/services, and team.

Include a detailed business description.

Make sure the location on Google Maps is accurate.

Encourage Customer Reviews 

Add a link to your Google My Business page on your website and email signatures.

Email customers asking them to leave you a review after purchases/service.

Respond professionally to all reviews.

Create Location Pages

Have a separate location page for each physical store you operate.

Make sure the name, address, and phone number match Google My Business.

Optimize content on each page for the surrounding area.

Local Link Building

Get listed on local directories, chamber of commerce, and association pages. 

Sponsor local events, teams, etc, and get listed on their websites.

Partner with local influencers, brands, and businesses to exchange links.

Optimizing for local SEO can significantly boost foot traffic and revenue for e-commerce businesses with a physical presence. Leveraging tools like Google My Business combined with localization of content are key strategies.

Analytics & Tracking

Understanding your site analytics is crucial for identifying SEO opportunities and measuring the impact of your efforts. Here are some key analytics reports and metrics to focus on:

Site Traffic Sources 

Analyze where your traffic is coming from – organic search, paid search, social media, direct, referral, email, etc. This will show you the highest converting channels to focus your SEO and marketing efforts. Pay close attention to organic search traffic trends over time.

Landing Pages

Look at your top landing pages to see which pages are attracting the most organic search traffic. Optimize these priority pages further. Identify landing pages with high bounce rates that may need content improvements or technical SEO fixes.


Review keywords driving traffic to your site. Identify high-volume non-branded keywords with low click-through rates that have optimization opportunities. Also, look for declining rankings for important keywords that may need refreshed content.

Site Search

Analyze site search queries that received no results or low click-throughs. This reveals search intent gaps and keywords to target. Optimize existing content or create new pages to address these user queries.

Conversion Funnels

Analyze your conversion funnels starting from organic landing pages through to completed transactions. Identify high exit pages for further content and UX optimization. Prioritize fixes for funnel steps with high exit rates.


Use rank-tracking software to monitor your important keyword rankings over time. Identify keywords losing rankings that need refreshed content. Look for keyword gaps where you don’t rank in the top 5-10 for important queries. 

Consistently analyzing your analytics provides the data insights needed to optimize your SEO strategy and boost organic traffic and conversions. Set aside time each month to review reports and take action on optimization opportunities uncovered.

SEO as an Ongoing Process  

SEO is not a one-and-done task. To maintain and improve your search rankings over time, you need to continuously optimize your site. Here are some tips:

Monitor your rankings regularly: Check where your important pages rank for target keywords at least once a month. If rankings drop, you may need to re-optimize that content.

Keep creating fresh content: Search engines favor websites with new, regularly updated content. Aim to publish new blog posts, videos, etc. at least once a week.  

Fix technical issues: Crawl your site for 404 errors, broken links, site speed, etc., and fix any problems. Search engines penalize sites with lots of technical errors.

Build more links: Link building should be ongoing. Reach out for high-quality backlinks from other reputable sites regularly.

Keep keywords updated: Review search analytics to see which keywords drive traffic. Update content to optimize it for your most profitable keywords.

Enhance user experience: Make site navigation intuitive, page load fast, and content easy to consume on all devices. Good UX improves conversions and SEO.

Learn about updates: Algorithm changes happen regularly. Stay up to date on Google’s latest updates and adjust your strategy accordingly. 

Audit your site: Conduct periodic technical SEO audits to identify new optimization opportunities. Fix any issues uncovered.

Test and iterate: Try new tactics and track their impact through analytics. Double down on what works and pivot away from what doesn’t. 

SEO is a constant process of researching, optimizing, tracking, and improving. By making it an ingrained part of your e-commerce strategy, you’ll maintain strong rankings and organic traffic over the long haul.

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