Author - Engine_log

Web Tracking

what is the digital marketing strategy that tracks users across the web?

What is Web Tracking and Why Do Marketers Use It?Web tracking refers to the methods digital marketers use to monitor and record information about users' online activities, behaviors, interests and preferences across the internet. This allows marketers to gain insights into their target audience and customers. There are several reasons web tracking is widely used...

Desktop Discover Feed

Experiments Of Google With Desktop Discover Feed

Google is experimenting on changing its renowned straightforward homepage by bringing the Discover feed for desktop. The principal key points of this update are:• The Discover feed is currently being tested by Google as part of their desktop homepage.• The goal of Discover feed is to offer tailored content and keep consumers interested through that...

microsoft advertising

6 Updates From Microsoft Advertising Related To Audience Ads .

Main highlights of the updateMicrosoft has recently introduced various updates such as Audience Ads bidding, placements, and availability.Microsoft has renamed hotel campaigns to Lodging Campaigns with the purpose to comprehend more options of accommodation.Performance max of microsoft advertising is still in open beta and it is accessible for testing.Microsoft Advertising recently published an article highlighting...

LinkedIn Announces New AI Tools

LinkedIn Announces New AI Tools To Enhance Hiring & Learning.

LinkedIn is piloting AI-driven tools to modernize recruitment and learning experiences.Key highlights of the updateLinkedIn has introduced AI-powered tools on LinkedIn Learning platform. These tools are Recruiter 2024 and AI-assisted coaching.   2. The purpose of Recruiter 2024 tool is to speed up the recruitment process, while AI coaching provides personalized learning. 3. There are plans for...

google update

Google Confirms fixing of Indexing Bug.

Main Highlights Of The Update . Google acknowledges that there is a problem with its search index.2. Indexing of new content in search results is delayed due to this problem.3. Therefore, google is trying to resolve the issue.Google acknowledged reports that there is a persistent technical problem holding up the indexing of recently published website content....