Experiments Of Google With Desktop Discover Feed
Engine_log2023-10-19T08:37:39+00:00Google is experimenting on changing its renowned straightforward homepage by bringing the Discover feed for desktop. The principal key points of this update are:
• The Discover feed is currently being tested by Google as part of their desktop homepage.
• The goal of Discover feed is to offer tailored content and keep consumers interested through that feature.
• A desktop version of Discover might greatly improve referrals traffic to publishers.
Google is testing a feature that might make its Discover feed available to desktop users. The Discover feed displays suggested information such as news, weather, sports scores, and stock prices right on the Google homepage along with the standard Google search bar. As per its statement, Google acknowledged testing the Discover feed on desktop, but only in India. MS Power User was the first to notice the test. The Discover feed on desktop is filled with news, entertainment, sports, financial, and other items using an algorithm similar to the mobile version. A carousel-like horizontal scrolling effect occurs with posts. The classic and minimalist Google homepage has remained largely untouched for more than 20 years, so the launch of Discover on desktop would be a significant change in the history of desktop and mobiles.
Why Should You Add Discover To The Desktop?
Google is experimenting with Discover on desktop to increase user engagement on google.com. Discover can tempt users back to the homepage to browse suggested stories as many people just use the search box in their browser. Discover offers innovative ad-free ways for free content promotion to publishers. But it also means that there will be more competition for a small number of positions on the popular Google homepage.
Extended Rollout?
Discover may be made available globally on desktops if experiment will get successful. This would increase the amount of referral traffic going to news and content websites globally. That remains to be seen if this test is conducted outside of India. Last year, Google experimented with including modules for tailored content in desktop searches for things like news, weather, and stock tickers. The majority of users still access the traditional Google homepage till now. However, the Discover feed infusion demonstrates ambition of Google in maintaining the usefulness of its homepage in the era of almost universal search engines.
More information About Google Discover Update
Google is experimenting with its Discover feed on the desktop homepages in India.
This indicates a significant potential change to renowned straightforward homepage layout of google.
Google may expand the availability of Discover on desktop if the plan gets successful. It will be similar to the feature available for mobile.